new configuration version
This commit is contained in:
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ spec:
maxUnavailable: "50%"
tag: "r-7bd8f34aeeebe1debccb6e4932b092cf2b2c4c88"
tag: "r-51ca9db578a2820945a06c2b1f6661c4ee51d76a"
credentials: "git-credentials"
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Go to AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login with AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Start Security key login
@ -219,9 +219,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Have you registered more than one login factor (AGOV access app or security key) to your account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Based on your answers, the AGOV recovery option does not seem necessary right now.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=I have trouble logging in, even though I have my app / security key
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=I lost one of my login factors (AGOV access app or security key)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=I was unable to finish my registration
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Weiter zur AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login mit AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Sicherheitsschlüssel-Login starten
@ -219,9 +219,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Haben Sie mehr als einen Loginfaktor (AGOV Access App oder Sicherheitsschlüssel) für Ihren AGOV-Login registriert?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Ausgehend von Ihren Antworten scheint eine Wiederherstellung Ihres AGOV-Logins im Moment nicht notwendig zu sein.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Falls Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> für Support-Artikel.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Wenn Sie Probleme haben, sich bei einer Anwendung anzumelden, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> und testen Sie, ob Sie sich erfolgreich anmelden können.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Wenn Sie mehrere Loginfaktoren registriert haben, aber den Zugriff zu einem von ihnen verloren haben, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a>, um den verlorenen Loginfaktor zu entfernen.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Falls Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> für Support-Artikel.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Wenn Sie Probleme haben, sich bei einer Anwendung anzumelden, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> und testen Sie, ob Sie sich erfolgreich anmelden können.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Wenn Sie mehrere Loginfaktoren registriert haben, aber den Zugriff zu einem von ihnen verloren haben, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a>, um den verlorenen Loginfaktor zu entfernen.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Ich habe Probleme mich anzumelden, obwohl ich meine App / meinen Sicherheitsschlüssel habe
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ich habe einen meiner Loginfaktoren verloren (AGOV access App oder Sicherheitsschlüssel)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Ich konnte meine Registrierung nicht abschliessen
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Go to AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login with AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Start Security key login
@ -219,9 +219,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Have you registered more than one login factor (AGOV access app or security key) to your account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Based on your answers, the AGOV recovery option does not seem necessary right now.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=I have trouble logging in, even though I have my app / security key
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=I lost one of my login factors (AGOV access app or security key)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=I was unable to finish my registration
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ general.getStarted=Démarrer
general.goAGOVHelp=Rendez-vous sur AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login avec AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Démarrer la connexion avec la clé de sécurité
@ -219,9 +219,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Avez-vous enregistré plus d'un facteur d'authentification (application AGOV access ou clé de sécurité) sur votre compte ?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=D'après vos réponses, l'option de récupération d'AGOV ne semble pas nécessaire pour l'instant.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour obtenir des articles de soutien.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour vous connecter à une application, visitez <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> et vérifiez si vous pouvez vous connecter avec succès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Si vous avez enregistré plusieurs facteurs de connexion mais que vous avez perdu l'accès à l'un d'entre eux, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour supprimer celui auquel vous avez perdu l'accès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour obtenir des articles de soutien.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour vous connecter à une application, visitez <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> et vérifiez si vous pouvez vous connecter avec succès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Si vous avez enregistré plusieurs facteurs de connexion mais que vous avez perdu l'accès à l'un d'entre eux, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour supprimer celui auquel vous avez perdu l'accès.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Je n'arrive pas à me connecter, même si j'ai mon application / ma clé de sécurité
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=J'ai perdu l'un de mes facteurs d'authentification (application AGOV access ou clé de sécurité)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Je n'ai pas pu terminer mon inscription
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ general.getStarted=Iniziare
general.goAGOVHelp=Vai ad AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login con AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Iniziare il login con la chiave di sicurezza
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ policyInfo.regex.numeric=▪ deve contenere un minimo di {0} carattere/i num
policyInfo.regex.upper=▪ deve conenere almeno {0} carattere/i maiuscolo/i.
policyInfo.title=La password deve rispettare le seguenti direttive:
recovery_accessapp_auth.accessAppRegistered=App di accesso AGOV già registrata
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction1=Ha già registrato una nuova app di accesso AGOV !!!SECURITY_KEY_NAME!!! come parte del processo di recupero.
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction1=Ha già registrato una nuova app AGOV access !!!SECURITY_KEY_NAME!!! come parte del processo di recupero.
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction2=Si prega di usare !!!ACCESS_APP_NAME!!! per l'identificazione.
recovery_check_code.codeIncorrect=Il codice inserito non è corretto. Riprovare.
recovery_check_code.enterRecoveryCode=Inserisca il codice di recupero
@ -204,7 +204,7 @@ recovery_fidokey_auth.keyRegistered=Chiave di sicurezza già registrata
recovery_intro_email.banner.error=Il link utilizzato è scaduto. Per ricevere un nuovo link, inserire l’indirizzo e-mail.
|||| ricevere il link e avviare il processo di ripristino, inserire l’indirizzo e-mail.
recovery_intro_email.process=Il processo di ripristino deve essere utilizzato solo se ha perso l'accesso ai suoi fattori di accesso (app di accesso AGOV eliminata, chiave di sicurezza persa, telefono smarrito, ecc.).
recovery_intro_email.process=Il processo di ripristino deve essere utilizzato solo se ha perso l'accesso ai suoi fattori di accesso (app AGOV access eliminata, chiave di sicurezza persa, telefono smarrito, ecc.).
recovery_intro_email_sent.banner.button=Non avete ricevuto l'e-mail?
recovery_intro_email_sent.banner.success=Grazie! È stata inviata un’e-mail contenente il codice di ripristino e le istruzioni.
recovery_on_going.finishRecovery=Completare il ripristino
@ -216,21 +216,21 @@ recovery_questionnaire_instructions.instruction1=Si prega di fornire l'indirizzo
recovery_questionnaire_instructions.instruction2=Si prega di seguire i passaggi per recuperare il suo account (i passaggi varieranno a seconda del livello di verifica dell'account)
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.banner.error=Si prega di selezionare una risposta.
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Ha registrato più di un fattore di accesso (app di accesso AGOV o chiave di sicurezza) al suo account?
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Ha registrato più di un fattore di accesso (app AGOV access o chiave di sicurezza) al suo account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=In base alle sue risposte, l'opzione di ripristino AGOV non sembra necessaria al momento.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Se ha bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per articoli di supporto.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Se riscontra problemi di accesso a un'applicazione, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> e verifichi se può accedere con successo.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Se ha registrato più fattori di accesso ma ha perso l'accesso a uno di essi, visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per rimuovere quello a cui ha perso l'accesso.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Se ha bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per articoli di supporto.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Se riscontra problemi di accesso a un'applicazione, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> e verifichi se può accedere con successo.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Se ha registrato più fattori di accesso ma ha perso l'accesso a uno di essi, visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per rimuovere quello a cui ha perso l'accesso.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Ho problemi ad accedere, anche se ho la mia app/chiave di sicurezza
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ho perso uno dei miei fattori di accesso (app di accesso AGOV o chiave di sicurezza)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ho perso uno dei miei fattori di accesso (app AGOV access o chiave di sicurezza)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Non sono riuscito a completare la registrazione
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer3=Ho eliminato o reimpostato la mia app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer3=Ho eliminato o reimpostato la mia app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer4=Ho perso il telefono/la chiave di sicurezza
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer5=Ho un nuovo telefono e ho dimenticato di trasferire la mia app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer6=Ho dimenticato il PIN dell'app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer5=Ho un nuovo telefono e ho dimenticato di trasferire la mia app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer6=Ho dimenticato il PIN dell'app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer7=Ho i miei token di sicurezza o le mie app, ma ho avuto problemi ad accedere
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer8=Ho perso l'accesso a tutte le mie chiavi di sicurezza e alle app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer8=Ho perso l'accesso a tutte le mie chiavi di sicurezza e alle app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer9=Ho problemi con uno dei miei fattori di accesso (PIN cancellato, reimpostato, dimenticato)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.banner.error=Si prega di selezionare il motivo.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.instruction=Si prega di selezionare il motivo per cui sta avviando il processo di recupero:
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ spec:
maxUnavailable: "50%"
tag: "r-7bd8f34aeeebe1debccb6e4932b092cf2b2c4c88"
tag: "r-51ca9db578a2820945a06c2b1f6661c4ee51d76a"
credentials: "git-credentials"
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Go to AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login with AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Start Security key login
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Have you registered more than one login factor (AGOV access app or security key) to your account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Based on your answers, the AGOV recovery option does not seem necessary right now.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=I have trouble logging in, even though I have my app / security key
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=I lost one of my login factors (AGOV access app or security key)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=I was unable to finish my registration
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Weiter zur AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login mit AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Sicherheitsschlüssel-Login starten
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Haben Sie mehr als einen Loginfaktor (AGOV Access App oder Sicherheitsschlüssel) für Ihren AGOV-Login registriert?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Ausgehend von Ihren Antworten scheint eine Wiederherstellung Ihres AGOV-Logins im Moment nicht notwendig zu sein.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Falls Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> für Support-Artikel.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Wenn Sie Probleme haben, sich bei einer Anwendung anzumelden, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> und testen Sie, ob Sie sich erfolgreich anmelden können.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Wenn Sie mehrere Loginfaktoren registriert haben, aber den Zugriff zu einem von ihnen verloren haben, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a>, um den verlorenen Loginfaktor zu entfernen.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Falls Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> für Support-Artikel.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Wenn Sie Probleme haben, sich bei einer Anwendung anzumelden, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> und testen Sie, ob Sie sich erfolgreich anmelden können.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Wenn Sie mehrere Loginfaktoren registriert haben, aber den Zugriff zu einem von ihnen verloren haben, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a>, um den verlorenen Loginfaktor zu entfernen.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Ich habe Probleme mich anzumelden, obwohl ich meine App / meinen Sicherheitsschlüssel habe
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ich habe einen meiner Loginfaktoren verloren (AGOV access App oder Sicherheitsschlüssel)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Ich konnte meine Registrierung nicht abschliessen
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Go to AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login with AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Start Security key login
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Have you registered more than one login factor (AGOV access app or security key) to your account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Based on your answers, the AGOV recovery option does not seem necessary right now.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=I have trouble logging in, even though I have my app / security key
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=I lost one of my login factors (AGOV access app or security key)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=I was unable to finish my registration
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Démarrer
general.goAGOVHelp=Rendez-vous sur AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login avec AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Démarrer la connexion avec la clé de sécurité
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Avez-vous enregistré plus d'un facteur d'authentification (application AGOV access ou clé de sécurité) sur votre compte ?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=D'après vos réponses, l'option de récupération d'AGOV ne semble pas nécessaire pour l'instant.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour obtenir des articles de soutien.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour vous connecter à une application, visitez <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> et vérifiez si vous pouvez vous connecter avec succès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Si vous avez enregistré plusieurs facteurs de connexion mais que vous avez perdu l'accès à l'un d'entre eux, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour supprimer celui auquel vous avez perdu l'accès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour obtenir des articles de soutien.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour vous connecter à une application, visitez <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> et vérifiez si vous pouvez vous connecter avec succès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Si vous avez enregistré plusieurs facteurs de connexion mais que vous avez perdu l'accès à l'un d'entre eux, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour supprimer celui auquel vous avez perdu l'accès.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Je n'arrive pas à me connecter, même si j'ai mon application / ma clé de sécurité
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=J'ai perdu l'un de mes facteurs d'authentification (application AGOV access ou clé de sécurité)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Je n'ai pas pu terminer mon inscription
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Iniziare
general.goAGOVHelp=Vai ad AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login con AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Iniziare il login con la chiave di sicurezza
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ op-onboarding.intro.title=INIZIARE
op-onboarding.onboarding=Registrazione AGOV op
op-onboarding.process.message=Qualcosa non ha funzionato. Contattare il supporto AGOV e, se necessario, richiedere un nuovo link di registrazione.
recovery_accessapp_auth.accessAppRegistered=App di accesso AGOV già registrata
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction1=Ha già registrato una nuova app di accesso AGOV !!!SECURITY_KEY_NAME!!! come parte del processo di recupero.
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction1=Ha già registrato una nuova app AGOV access !!!SECURITY_KEY_NAME!!! come parte del processo di recupero.
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction2=Si prega di usare !!!ACCESS_APP_NAME!!! per l'identificazione.
recovery_check_code.codeIncorrect=Il codice inserito non è corretto. Riprovare.
recovery_check_code.enterRecoveryCode=Inserisca il codice di recupero
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ recovery_fidokey_auth.keyRegistered=Chiave di sicurezza già registrata
recovery_intro_email.banner.error=Il link utilizzato è scaduto. Per ricevere un nuovo link, inserire l’indirizzo e-mail.
|||| ricevere il link e avviare il processo di ripristino, inserire l’indirizzo e-mail.
recovery_intro_email.process=Il processo di ripristino deve essere utilizzato solo se ha perso l'accesso ai suoi fattori di accesso (app di accesso AGOV eliminata, chiave di sicurezza persa, telefono smarrito, ecc.).
recovery_intro_email.process=Il processo di ripristino deve essere utilizzato solo se ha perso l'accesso ai suoi fattori di accesso (app AGOV access eliminata, chiave di sicurezza persa, telefono smarrito, ecc.).
recovery_intro_email_sent.banner.button=Non avete ricevuto l'e-mail?
recovery_intro_email_sent.banner.success=Grazie! È stata inviata un’e-mail contenente il codice di ripristino e le istruzioni.
recovery_on_going.finishRecovery=Completare il ripristino
@ -166,21 +166,21 @@ recovery_questionnaire_instructions.instruction1=Si prega di fornire l'indirizzo
recovery_questionnaire_instructions.instruction2=Si prega di seguire i passaggi per recuperare il suo account (i passaggi varieranno a seconda del livello di verifica dell'account)
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.banner.error=Si prega di selezionare una risposta.
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Ha registrato più di un fattore di accesso (app di accesso AGOV o chiave di sicurezza) al suo account?
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Ha registrato più di un fattore di accesso (app AGOV access o chiave di sicurezza) al suo account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=In base alle sue risposte, l'opzione di ripristino AGOV non sembra necessaria al momento.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Se ha bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per articoli di supporto.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Se riscontra problemi di accesso a un'applicazione, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> e verifichi se può accedere con successo.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Se ha registrato più fattori di accesso ma ha perso l'accesso a uno di essi, visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per rimuovere quello a cui ha perso l'accesso.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Se ha bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per articoli di supporto.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Se riscontra problemi di accesso a un'applicazione, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> e verifichi se può accedere con successo.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Se ha registrato più fattori di accesso ma ha perso l'accesso a uno di essi, visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per rimuovere quello a cui ha perso l'accesso.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Ho problemi ad accedere, anche se ho la mia app/chiave di sicurezza
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ho perso uno dei miei fattori di accesso (app di accesso AGOV o chiave di sicurezza)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ho perso uno dei miei fattori di accesso (app AGOV access o chiave di sicurezza)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Non sono riuscito a completare la registrazione
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer3=Ho eliminato o reimpostato la mia app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer3=Ho eliminato o reimpostato la mia app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer4=Ho perso il telefono/la chiave di sicurezza
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer5=Ho un nuovo telefono e ho dimenticato di trasferire la mia app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer6=Ho dimenticato il PIN dell'app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer5=Ho un nuovo telefono e ho dimenticato di trasferire la mia app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer6=Ho dimenticato il PIN dell'app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer7=Ho i miei token di sicurezza o le mie app, ma ho avuto problemi ad accedere
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer8=Ho perso l'accesso a tutte le mie chiavi di sicurezza e alle app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer8=Ho perso l'accesso a tutte le mie chiavi di sicurezza e alle app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer9=Ho problemi con uno dei miei fattori di accesso (PIN cancellato, reimpostato, dimenticato)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.banner.error=Si prega di selezionare il motivo.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.instruction=Si prega di selezionare il motivo per cui sta avviando il processo di recupero:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<a target="_blank" class='text-hyperlink dark:text-dark-hyperlink underline' href='$text.get("")'>$text.get("")</a>
<script src="${login.appDataPath}/static/bundle.js"></script>
@ -49,8 +49,6 @@
<div id="agovLoginImage"
class="relative md:max-w-[520px] max-w-[350px] sm:max-w-[300px] mb-10 w-full mx-auto hidden md:block">
<div class="hidden flex items-center p-2 bg-white dark:bg-black rounded-xl w-16 h-16 absolute left-[calc(39%-32px)] top-8"
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/login.svg"
class="hidden md:block dark:hidden w-full">
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/login-dark.svg"
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<input class="hidden" name="authRequestId" type="hidden" value="$gui.getGuiElem('authRequestId').value"/>
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/js-code/images/recovery.svg"
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/recovery.svg"
class="md:max-w-[520px] max-w-[350px] sm:max-w-[300px] w-full md:basis-1/2 dark:hidden hidden md:block">
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/recovery_dark.svg"
class="md:max-w-[520px] max-w-[350px] sm:max-w-[300px] w-full md:basis-1/2 hidden dark:md:block">
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Go to AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login with AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Start Security key login
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Have you registered more than one login factor (AGOV access app or security key) to your account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Based on your answers, the AGOV recovery option does not seem necessary right now.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=I have trouble logging in, even though I have my app / security key
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=I lost one of my login factors (AGOV access app or security key)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=I was unable to finish my registration
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Weiter zur AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login mit AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Sicherheitsschlüssel-Login starten
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Haben Sie mehr als einen Loginfaktor (AGOV Access App oder Sicherheitsschlüssel) für Ihren AGOV-Login registriert?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Ausgehend von Ihren Antworten scheint eine Wiederherstellung Ihres AGOV-Logins im Moment nicht notwendig zu sein.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Falls Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> für Support-Artikel.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Wenn Sie Probleme haben, sich bei einer Anwendung anzumelden, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> und testen Sie, ob Sie sich erfolgreich anmelden können.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Wenn Sie mehrere Loginfaktoren registriert haben, aber den Zugriff zu einem von ihnen verloren haben, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a>, um den verlorenen Loginfaktor zu entfernen.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Falls Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> für Support-Artikel.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Wenn Sie Probleme haben, sich bei einer Anwendung anzumelden, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> und testen Sie, ob Sie sich erfolgreich anmelden können.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Wenn Sie mehrere Loginfaktoren registriert haben, aber den Zugriff zu einem von ihnen verloren haben, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a>, um den verlorenen Loginfaktor zu entfernen.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Ich habe Probleme mich anzumelden, obwohl ich meine App / meinen Sicherheitsschlüssel habe
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ich habe einen meiner Loginfaktoren verloren (AGOV access App oder Sicherheitsschlüssel)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Ich konnte meine Registrierung nicht abschliessen
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Go to AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login with AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Start Security key login
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Have you registered more than one login factor (AGOV access app or security key) to your account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Based on your answers, the AGOV recovery option does not seem necessary right now.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=I have trouble logging in, even though I have my app / security key
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=I lost one of my login factors (AGOV access app or security key)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=I was unable to finish my registration
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Démarrer
general.goAGOVHelp=Rendez-vous sur AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login avec AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Démarrer la connexion avec la clé de sécurité
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Avez-vous enregistré plus d'un facteur d'authentification (application AGOV access ou clé de sécurité) sur votre compte ?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=D'après vos réponses, l'option de récupération d'AGOV ne semble pas nécessaire pour l'instant.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour obtenir des articles de soutien.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour vous connecter à une application, visitez <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> et vérifiez si vous pouvez vous connecter avec succès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Si vous avez enregistré plusieurs facteurs de connexion mais que vous avez perdu l'accès à l'un d'entre eux, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour supprimer celui auquel vous avez perdu l'accès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour obtenir des articles de soutien.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour vous connecter à une application, visitez <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> et vérifiez si vous pouvez vous connecter avec succès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Si vous avez enregistré plusieurs facteurs de connexion mais que vous avez perdu l'accès à l'un d'entre eux, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour supprimer celui auquel vous avez perdu l'accès.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Je n'arrive pas à me connecter, même si j'ai mon application / ma clé de sécurité
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=J'ai perdu l'un de mes facteurs d'authentification (application AGOV access ou clé de sécurité)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Je n'ai pas pu terminer mon inscription
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Iniziare
general.goAGOVHelp=Vai ad AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login con AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Iniziare il login con la chiave di sicurezza
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ op-onboarding.intro.title=INIZIARE
op-onboarding.onboarding=Registrazione AGOV op
op-onboarding.process.message=Qualcosa non ha funzionato. Contattare il supporto AGOV e, se necessario, richiedere un nuovo link di registrazione.
recovery_accessapp_auth.accessAppRegistered=App di accesso AGOV già registrata
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction1=Ha già registrato una nuova app di accesso AGOV !!!SECURITY_KEY_NAME!!! come parte del processo di recupero.
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction1=Ha già registrato una nuova app AGOV access !!!SECURITY_KEY_NAME!!! come parte del processo di recupero.
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction2=Si prega di usare !!!ACCESS_APP_NAME!!! per l'identificazione.
recovery_check_code.codeIncorrect=Il codice inserito non è corretto. Riprovare.
recovery_check_code.enterRecoveryCode=Inserisca il codice di recupero
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ recovery_fidokey_auth.keyRegistered=Chiave di sicurezza già registrata
recovery_intro_email.banner.error=Il link utilizzato è scaduto. Per ricevere un nuovo link, inserire l’indirizzo e-mail.
|||| ricevere il link e avviare il processo di ripristino, inserire l’indirizzo e-mail.
recovery_intro_email.process=Il processo di ripristino deve essere utilizzato solo se ha perso l'accesso ai suoi fattori di accesso (app di accesso AGOV eliminata, chiave di sicurezza persa, telefono smarrito, ecc.).
recovery_intro_email.process=Il processo di ripristino deve essere utilizzato solo se ha perso l'accesso ai suoi fattori di accesso (app AGOV access eliminata, chiave di sicurezza persa, telefono smarrito, ecc.).
recovery_intro_email_sent.banner.button=Non avete ricevuto l'e-mail?
recovery_intro_email_sent.banner.success=Grazie! È stata inviata un’e-mail contenente il codice di ripristino e le istruzioni.
recovery_on_going.finishRecovery=Completare il ripristino
@ -166,21 +166,21 @@ recovery_questionnaire_instructions.instruction1=Si prega di fornire l'indirizzo
recovery_questionnaire_instructions.instruction2=Si prega di seguire i passaggi per recuperare il suo account (i passaggi varieranno a seconda del livello di verifica dell'account)
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.banner.error=Si prega di selezionare una risposta.
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Ha registrato più di un fattore di accesso (app di accesso AGOV o chiave di sicurezza) al suo account?
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Ha registrato più di un fattore di accesso (app AGOV access o chiave di sicurezza) al suo account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=In base alle sue risposte, l'opzione di ripristino AGOV non sembra necessaria al momento.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Se ha bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per articoli di supporto.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Se riscontra problemi di accesso a un'applicazione, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> e verifichi se può accedere con successo.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Se ha registrato più fattori di accesso ma ha perso l'accesso a uno di essi, visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per rimuovere quello a cui ha perso l'accesso.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Se ha bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per articoli di supporto.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Se riscontra problemi di accesso a un'applicazione, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> e verifichi se può accedere con successo.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Se ha registrato più fattori di accesso ma ha perso l'accesso a uno di essi, visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per rimuovere quello a cui ha perso l'accesso.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Ho problemi ad accedere, anche se ho la mia app/chiave di sicurezza
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ho perso uno dei miei fattori di accesso (app di accesso AGOV o chiave di sicurezza)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ho perso uno dei miei fattori di accesso (app AGOV access o chiave di sicurezza)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Non sono riuscito a completare la registrazione
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer3=Ho eliminato o reimpostato la mia app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer3=Ho eliminato o reimpostato la mia app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer4=Ho perso il telefono/la chiave di sicurezza
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer5=Ho un nuovo telefono e ho dimenticato di trasferire la mia app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer6=Ho dimenticato il PIN dell'app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer5=Ho un nuovo telefono e ho dimenticato di trasferire la mia app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer6=Ho dimenticato il PIN dell'app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer7=Ho i miei token di sicurezza o le mie app, ma ho avuto problemi ad accedere
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer8=Ho perso l'accesso a tutte le mie chiavi di sicurezza e alle app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer8=Ho perso l'accesso a tutte le mie chiavi di sicurezza e alle app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer9=Ho problemi con uno dei miei fattori di accesso (PIN cancellato, reimpostato, dimenticato)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.banner.error=Si prega di selezionare il motivo.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.instruction=Si prega di selezionare il motivo per cui sta avviando il processo di recupero:
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<a target="_blank" class='text-hyperlink dark:text-dark-hyperlink underline' href='$text.get("")'>$text.get("")</a>
<script src="${login.appDataPath}/static/bundle.js"></script>
@ -49,8 +49,6 @@
<div id="agovLoginImage"
class="relative md:max-w-[520px] max-w-[350px] sm:max-w-[300px] mb-10 w-full mx-auto hidden md:block">
<div class="hidden flex items-center p-2 bg-white dark:bg-black rounded-xl w-16 h-16 absolute left-[calc(39%-32px)] top-8"
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/login.svg"
class="hidden md:block dark:hidden w-full">
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/login-dark.svg"
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<input class="hidden" name="authRequestId" type="hidden" value="$gui.getGuiElem('authRequestId').value"/>
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/js-code/images/recovery.svg"
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/recovery.svg"
class="md:max-w-[520px] max-w-[350px] sm:max-w-[300px] w-full md:basis-1/2 dark:hidden hidden md:block">
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/recovery_dark.svg"
class="md:max-w-[520px] max-w-[350px] sm:max-w-[300px] w-full md:basis-1/2 hidden dark:md:block">
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Go to AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login with AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Start Security key login
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Have you registered more than one login factor (AGOV access app or security key) to your account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Based on your answers, the AGOV recovery option does not seem necessary right now.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=I have trouble logging in, even though I have my app / security key
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=I lost one of my login factors (AGOV access app or security key)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=I was unable to finish my registration
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Weiter zur AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login mit AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Sicherheitsschlüssel-Login starten
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Haben Sie mehr als einen Loginfaktor (AGOV Access App oder Sicherheitsschlüssel) für Ihren AGOV-Login registriert?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Ausgehend von Ihren Antworten scheint eine Wiederherstellung Ihres AGOV-Logins im Moment nicht notwendig zu sein.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Falls Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> für Support-Artikel.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Wenn Sie Probleme haben, sich bei einer Anwendung anzumelden, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> und testen Sie, ob Sie sich erfolgreich anmelden können.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Wenn Sie mehrere Loginfaktoren registriert haben, aber den Zugriff zu einem von ihnen verloren haben, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a>, um den verlorenen Loginfaktor zu entfernen.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Falls Sie weitere Informationen benötigen, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> für Support-Artikel.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Wenn Sie Probleme haben, sich bei einer Anwendung anzumelden, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> und testen Sie, ob Sie sich erfolgreich anmelden können.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Wenn Sie mehrere Loginfaktoren registriert haben, aber den Zugriff zu einem von ihnen verloren haben, besuchen Sie bitte <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a>, um den verlorenen Loginfaktor zu entfernen.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Ich habe Probleme mich anzumelden, obwohl ich meine App / meinen Sicherheitsschlüssel habe
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ich habe einen meiner Loginfaktoren verloren (AGOV access App oder Sicherheitsschlüssel)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Ich konnte meine Registrierung nicht abschliessen
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Get started
general.goAGOVHelp=Go to AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login with AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Start Security key login
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Have you registered more than one login factor (AGOV access app or security key) to your account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=Based on your answers, the AGOV recovery option does not seem necessary right now.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Should you need further information, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> for support articles.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=If you have issues logging in to an application, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> and test if you can log in successfully.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=If you have several login factors registered but lost access to one of them, please visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> to remove the one you have lost access to.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=I have trouble logging in, even though I have my app / security key
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=I lost one of my login factors (AGOV access app or security key)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=I was unable to finish my registration
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Démarrer
general.goAGOVHelp=Rendez-vous sur AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login avec AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Démarrer la connexion avec la clé de sécurité
@ -169,9 +169,9 @@
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Avez-vous enregistré plus d'un facteur d'authentification (application AGOV access ou clé de sécurité) sur votre compte ?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=D'après vos réponses, l'option de récupération d'AGOV ne semble pas nécessaire pour l'instant.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour obtenir des articles de soutien.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour vous connecter à une application, visitez <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> et vérifiez si vous pouvez vous connecter avec succès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Si vous avez enregistré plusieurs facteurs de connexion mais que vous avez perdu l'accès à l'un d'entre eux, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour supprimer celui auquel vous avez perdu l'accès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour obtenir des articles de soutien.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Si vous rencontrez des difficultés pour vous connecter à une application, visitez <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> et vérifiez si vous pouvez vous connecter avec succès.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Si vous avez enregistré plusieurs facteurs de connexion mais que vous avez perdu l'accès à l'un d'entre eux, veuillez consulter <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> pour supprimer celui auquel vous avez perdu l'accès.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Je n'arrive pas à me connecter, même si j'ai mon application / ma clé de sécurité
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=J'ai perdu l'un de mes facteurs d'authentification (application AGOV access ou clé de sécurité)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Je n'ai pas pu terminer mon inscription
@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ general.getStarted=Iniziare
general.goAGOVHelp=Vai ad AGOV help
general.goAccessApp=Login con AGOV access
general.loginSecurityKey=Iniziare il login con la chiave di sicurezza
@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ op-onboarding.intro.title=INIZIARE
op-onboarding.onboarding=Registrazione AGOV op
op-onboarding.process.message=Qualcosa non ha funzionato. Contattare il supporto AGOV e, se necessario, richiedere un nuovo link di registrazione.
recovery_accessapp_auth.accessAppRegistered=App di accesso AGOV già registrata
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction1=Ha già registrato una nuova app di accesso AGOV !!!SECURITY_KEY_NAME!!! come parte del processo di recupero.
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction1=Ha già registrato una nuova app AGOV access !!!SECURITY_KEY_NAME!!! come parte del processo di recupero.
recovery_accessapp_auth.instruction2=Si prega di usare !!!ACCESS_APP_NAME!!! per l'identificazione.
recovery_check_code.codeIncorrect=Il codice inserito non è corretto. Riprovare.
recovery_check_code.enterRecoveryCode=Inserisca il codice di recupero
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ recovery_fidokey_auth.keyRegistered=Chiave di sicurezza già registrata
recovery_intro_email.banner.error=Il link utilizzato è scaduto. Per ricevere un nuovo link, inserire l’indirizzo e-mail.
|||| ricevere il link e avviare il processo di ripristino, inserire l’indirizzo e-mail.
recovery_intro_email.process=Il processo di ripristino deve essere utilizzato solo se ha perso l'accesso ai suoi fattori di accesso (app di accesso AGOV eliminata, chiave di sicurezza persa, telefono smarrito, ecc.).
recovery_intro_email.process=Il processo di ripristino deve essere utilizzato solo se ha perso l'accesso ai suoi fattori di accesso (app AGOV access eliminata, chiave di sicurezza persa, telefono smarrito, ecc.).
recovery_intro_email_sent.banner.button=Non avete ricevuto l'e-mail?
recovery_intro_email_sent.banner.success=Grazie! È stata inviata un’e-mail contenente il codice di ripristino e le istruzioni.
recovery_on_going.finishRecovery=Completare il ripristino
@ -166,21 +166,21 @@ recovery_questionnaire_instructions.instruction1=Si prega di fornire l'indirizzo
recovery_questionnaire_instructions.instruction2=Si prega di seguire i passaggi per recuperare il suo account (i passaggi varieranno a seconda del livello di verifica dell'account)
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.banner.error=Si prega di selezionare una risposta.
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Ha registrato più di un fattore di accesso (app di accesso AGOV o chiave di sicurezza) al suo account?
recovery_questionnaire_loginfactor.question=Ha registrato più di un fattore di accesso (app AGOV access o chiave di sicurezza) al suo account?
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation1=In base alle sue risposte, l'opzione di ripristino AGOV non sembra necessaria al momento.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Se ha bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per articoli di supporto.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Se riscontra problemi di accesso a un'applicazione, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> e verifichi se può accedere con successo.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Se ha registrato più fattori di accesso ma ha perso l'accesso a uno di essi, visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per rimuovere quello a cui ha perso l'accesso.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.explanation2=Se ha bisogno di ulteriori informazioni, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per articoli di supporto.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction1=Se riscontra problemi di accesso a un'applicazione, visiti <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> e verifichi se può accedere con successo.
recovery_questionnaire_no_recovery.instruction2=Se ha registrato più fattori di accesso ma ha perso l'accesso a uno di essi, visit <a class='link' href='' target='_blank'></a> per rimuovere quello a cui ha perso l'accesso.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer1=Ho problemi ad accedere, anche se ho la mia app/chiave di sicurezza
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ho perso uno dei miei fattori di accesso (app di accesso AGOV o chiave di sicurezza)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer10=Ho perso uno dei miei fattori di accesso (app AGOV access o chiave di sicurezza)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer2=Non sono riuscito a completare la registrazione
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer3=Ho eliminato o reimpostato la mia app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer3=Ho eliminato o reimpostato la mia app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer4=Ho perso il telefono/la chiave di sicurezza
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer5=Ho un nuovo telefono e ho dimenticato di trasferire la mia app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer6=Ho dimenticato il PIN dell'app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer5=Ho un nuovo telefono e ho dimenticato di trasferire la mia app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer6=Ho dimenticato il PIN dell'app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer7=Ho i miei token di sicurezza o le mie app, ma ho avuto problemi ad accedere
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer8=Ho perso l'accesso a tutte le mie chiavi di sicurezza e alle app di accesso AGOV
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer8=Ho perso l'accesso a tutte le mie chiavi di sicurezza e alle app AGOV access
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.answer9=Ho problemi con uno dei miei fattori di accesso (PIN cancellato, reimpostato, dimenticato)
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.banner.error=Si prega di selezionare il motivo.
recovery_questionnaire_reason_selection.instruction=Si prega di selezionare il motivo per cui sta avviando il processo di recupero:
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
<a target="_blank" class='text-hyperlink dark:text-dark-hyperlink underline' href='$text.get("")'>$text.get("")</a>
<script src="${login.appDataPath}/static/bundle.js"></script>
@ -49,8 +49,6 @@
<div id="agovLoginImage"
class="relative md:max-w-[520px] max-w-[350px] sm:max-w-[300px] mb-10 w-full mx-auto hidden md:block">
<div class="hidden flex items-center p-2 bg-white dark:bg-black rounded-xl w-16 h-16 absolute left-[calc(39%-32px)] top-8"
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/login.svg"
class="hidden md:block dark:hidden w-full">
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/login-dark.svg"
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
<input class="hidden" name="authRequestId" type="hidden" value="$gui.getGuiElem('authRequestId').value"/>
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/js-code/images/recovery.svg"
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/recovery.svg"
class="md:max-w-[520px] max-w-[350px] sm:max-w-[300px] w-full md:basis-1/2 dark:hidden hidden md:block">
<img alt="" src="${login.appDataPath}/static/images/recovery_dark.svg"
class="md:max-w-[520px] max-w-[350px] sm:max-w-[300px] w-full md:basis-1/2 hidden dark:md:block">
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ spec:
maxUnavailable: "50%"
tag: "r-7bd8f34aeeebe1debccb6e4932b092cf2b2c4c88"
tag: "r-51ca9db578a2820945a06c2b1f6661c4ee51d76a"
credentials: "git-credentials"
@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ spec:
protocol: "HTTPS"
servicePort: 8443
serviceName: "proxy-idm"
ingressClassName: "nginx"
useTlsSettings: true
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<div class="mx-6 flex items-center">
<i class="text-xl pr-2 fa-regular fa-circle-question ml-auto text-space-blue dark:text-white transition-all"></i>
<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<a class="cursor-pointer hidden sm:inline-block" href="" target="_blank">
<div class="mx-6 flex items-center">
<i class="text-xl pr-2 fa-regular fa-circle-question ml-auto text-space-blue dark:text-white transition-all"></i>
<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ spec:
maxUnavailable: "50%"
tag: "r-7bd8f34aeeebe1debccb6e4932b092cf2b2c4c88"
tag: "r-51ca9db578a2820945a06c2b1f6661c4ee51d76a"
credentials: "git-credentials"
@ -14,3 +14,5 @@ spec:
protocol: "HTTPS"
servicePort: 8443
serviceName: "proxy-sp"
ingressClassName: "nginx"
useTlsSettings: true
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<a class="cursor-pointer hidden sm:inline-block" href="" target="_blank">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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<span class="text-space-blue dark:text-white font-body-semi text-body-l transition-colors">Help</span>
@ -17,8 +17,7 @@
<img alt="agov Logo" class="h-8 sm:h-10 mr-6 hidden dark:block" src="/resources/static/images/agov-logo-dark.svg">
<div class="flex items-center flex-1 sm:flex-initial justify-end">
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Reference in New Issue