package.path = package.path .. ";/opt/nevisproxy/webapp/WEB-INF/lib/lua/Utils.lua" local Utils = require "Utils" function inputHeader(request, response) local trace = request:getTracer() local cookies = Utils.parseCookieHeader(request) local token = nil local language = nil for name, value in pairs(cookies) do if (name == "agovRecoveryCode" and value) then token = value end if (name == "LANG" and value) then language = value end end if (token and language) then local jwtHandler = local publickey = param_auth_signer_key:gsub("
", "\n") trace:debug("public key: '" .. publickey .. "'") local newPublickey = param_auth_signer_new_key:gsub("
", "\n") trace:debug("new public key: '" .. newPublickey .. "'") local base64 = token = base64:decode(token) trace:debug("token: " .. token) local verified = jwtHandler:verifySignature(token, "rs256", publickey) if not verified and newPublickey ~= "none" then trace:notice("AGOV: Check key rotation, using new public key to validate JWT token") verified = jwtHandler:verifySignature(token, "rs256", newPublickey) end if not verified then trace:error("Blocking request: Invalid JWT : '" .. token .. "'") response:setBody("Blocking request: Invalid JWT") response:send(403) else local jwtPayload = string.gsub(token, "^.*%.([^%.]+)%..*$", "%1") local padding = string.len(jwtPayload) % 4 while (padding > 0) do padding = padding - 1 jwtPayload = jwtPayload .. "=" end trace:debug("jwtPayload: " .. jwtPayload) local json = base64:decode(jwtPayload) trace:debug("json: " .. json) local userId = string.gsub(json, '^.*%"sub%"%:%"([^%"]+).*$', "%1") trace:info("userId: " .. userId) local sessionId = string.gsub(json, '^.*%"sessionId%"%:([^,]+).*$', "%1") trace:info("sessionId: " .. sessionId) local query = request:getQuery() if query then query = query.."&userId="..userId.."&userSessionId="..sessionId.."&language="..language else query = "userId="..userId.."&userSessionId="..sessionId.."&language="..language end request:removeHeader("Cookie") request:setQuery(query) end else trace:error("Accessed recovery pdf endpoint without required cookies") response:send(404) end end