schemaVersion: "1.0" pattern: id: "3cc9ad9d0cc771665881abcc" className: "ch.nevis.admin.v4.plugin.nevisauth.patterns2.TransformVariablesStep" name: "AuthnFailed_LockedAccount" label: "UTILS" notes: "Display screen : informing the user that a problem blocking his account\ \ has been encountered\n\nmissing info : if you didn't lock the account then go\ \ consult the support page for unlocking the account\n\nErrors : 1: user verification\ \ failed (user not found); 98: account disabled or archived (98 not in use yet)" properties: variables: - notes:saml.errorCode: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:status:AuthnFailed" - notes:saml.errorMessage: "Your account is locked , Request ID: ${request:transferId}" - notes:saml.errorInfo: "If you didn't lock the account then go consult the support\ \ page for unlocking the account" onSuccess: - "pattern://473f9d6b4ab9d61c1eb8c689"